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Coligo – A Digital Content Campaign


Explore how we strengthened Coligo's inbound marketing strategy and generated new leads by writing, publishing and promoting customized blog posts.


The power of continuous content of value

Providing engaging and interesting content is key when it comes to inboud marketing. Read about how we helped Coligo to start a new blog and produce six new blog posts with a strategic focus.



Coligo is a Stockholm-based consultancy house, offering services in IT security, change management, data center and the modern workplace. Brightvision and Coligo first started working together with an inbound marketing campaign, co-funded by Microsoft. When the campaign ended, Coligo was interested in working more with inbound marketing, in a strategic and long-term perspective. Brightvision was happy to assist in this process. In order to succeed with inbound marketing, it’s important to provide engaging content of value to the target audience. Coligo purchased a content campaign, again with co-funding by Microsoft. The purpose of the campaign was to produce new content and market this to both potential and existing customers.

Brightvision's marketing experts have helped Coligo achieve:

6 number of blog posts
20 000 Ad budget



The purpose of the content campaign was primarily to strengthen Coligo’s inbound marketing efforts. The campaign was also set out to generate leads and create interest for Coligo within the target audience. One part of the objective was to start up a blog on Coligo’s website and publish six blog posts during a period of three months. All six blog posts were also to be promoted in relevant channels to drive traffic and in the end generate new leads and business opportunities. The campaign was set out to target decision makers, primarily CIOs and CEOs, and IT architects.



The project stretched over a three month period, from January to March 2019. First, we held two workshops, during which we set up the blog and planned a strategy for the six blog posts. We decided to promote the blog posts by email marketing, organic posts on social media and paid promotion on social media. Writing, publishing and promotion of the blog posts was done overlapping, in order to optimize the campaign continuously. When the campaign ended, we had generated new leads, sparked new contact with existing customers and at the same time laid a good foundation for Coligo to keep working with content driven inbound marketing.

The project included:

  • Setting up a new blog on Coligo's website

  • A detailed content strategy for all blog posts

  • Interviews with Coligo's subject experts for us to use in writing the blog posts

  • Production and publishing of six blog posts

  • Six email send-outs to Coligo's database

  • Six Linkedin ads – one for each blog post

  • Twelve organic posts on social media

  • Analysis, reporting and project management throughout the entire campaign

Our work

Coligo hadn’t worked with content and inbound marketing before teaming up with Brightvision. This made it necessary to start from the bottom and create a good foundation for long-term strategic inbound marketing. Successful inbound marketing means providing relevant and engaging content, customized to a specific and well-defined target audience. In order to produce a successful campaign, the project followed a clear and structured process. The process can be divided into four phases; campaign strategy, content production, promotion and evaluation.


Campaign strategy

The project started with two workshops together with Coligo. A these workshops, we discussed both the technical setup of the new blog, as well as the actual blog posts. Vi set IT security as an overall theme for the campaign, so there would be a clear connection between all blog posts. We customized each blog post topic to interest a specific target audience – some blog posts was aimed at decision makers, while some was aimed at IT architects. We also set a plan for the content production process. In order to work result orientated and to be able to optimize the campaign continuously, we decided that production, publishing and promotion of the blog posts would be done in parallel. During this first phase, we also set a time plan for the campaign.

Promotion of the blog posts was a key part of the campaign. To reach out to as many peaople as possible in our target audience, we decided to promote each blog posts through advertising on Linkedin, organic posts on both Linkedin and Facebook, and through email send-outs to Coligo’s existing customer database.


Premium content

When we had set an overall theme for the campaign and which aspects of IT security we wanted to write about, we could go in to content production. The entire production phase was characterized by flexible and result driven work. Since the different blog posts was created for different audiences, it was important that the tonality and language used were adapted to the audience we wanted to read the blog post. For example, blog posts created for IT architects needed to be written on a more technical and detailed level, compared to the blog posts that would interest the CIOs and CEOs.

All blog posts was created in cooperation with Coligo. Coligo’s subject experts helped with writing some blog posts, while other was written by Brightvision after having interviewed Coligo’s experts.

It’s important for Brightvision that our clients understands our process and are aware of what’s happening in the project. All blog posts were sent to Coligo for feedback and proof-reading, and all final versions of the blog posts was approved by Coligo before they were published. To drive traffic to the blog, we created one ad, one organic post and one email for each blog post. These assets were also approved by Coligo before publishing.

The blog posts produced:

  1. Increase security for your Windows devices with cloud security!

  2. Increased security – without passwords! 

  3. Everything about the Guard features in Windows 10

  4. 5 steps to get control over shadow IT

  5. Secure your identities – increase the level of security

  6. How change management can lead to better security awareness


Campaign promotion 

We had several insights with us from our first inbound campaign together with Coligo. We used these learnings to make the promotion of the blog posts as successful as possible. For example, we could see that emails to Coligo’s current customers performed well, which led to utilize this channel in the blog post content campaign as well. In the same way, paid promotion on Linkedin and organic posts on Facebook and Linkedin had previously proved successful.  

Our tool for the email marketing was the marketing automation system Sharpspring, which also was used in Coligo’s first inbound marketing campaign. The paid promotion was done exclusively on Linkedin and the organic posts was published on both Facebook and Linkedin. Coligo gave us full access to their company accounts, which made it easy for us to handle every aspect of blog post promotion.

Brightvision is a result driven agency, which means we focus on measurable results and data driven optimization when we promote content. We had weekly status meetings with Coligo throughout the campaign, where we presented updated campaign results and our recommendations for how to optimize the promotion.



The campaign ended when all six blog posts had been published and promoted. We then made a deep dive into the campaign results, to gather insights and learnings. We had a lot of data to look into: email statistics, performance of the ads and organic posts as well as web statistics for the blog posts. Contact with new leads and existing customers was of course also important to take into account. The project ended with a wrap up meeting where we discussed campaign results, insights and learnings. We also presented our recommendations for the next step of Coligo’s marketing activities.

The purpose of this campaign was to create a good foundation for future strategic content and inbound marketing. At the same time, the campaign would also generate new leads and making upselling to current customers easier. The campaign resulted in new leads and business opportunities who contacted Coligo directly. In addition, Coligo now has a new blog and established email marketing, which is a great start for long-term strategic inbound marketing.

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