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How to get sales and marketing to work better together


In this blog post we have summarised the highlights from our podcast episode with Aimee Treasure, Head of marketing for VHR. We will give you the best advices on how to get sales and marketing working better together. Listen to the whole podcast episode here.

Getting your sales and marketing departments to work better together is hard in the B2B area. Even if the departments are doing the same things: Sales, but in different ways. But there are ways to improve the collaboration. 

The marketing department should start the relationship

Due to the lack of understanding of what marketers do, the marketing department needs to inform the sales team how they work and why. A possible way to achieve this is for the marketing department to participate in some of the sales meetings. Especially meetings were sales discusses what problems they have

It will make both sales and marketing:

  • Understand what the other department does and how 

  • Understand how the departments can help solve each other's problems 

  • Build trust and get better teamwork to eventually increase the company's sales

Communication between marketing and sales is one of the key aspects

B2B is a fast-moving business with many turns and new trends, therefore it is extra important to have good communication between marketing and sales. This communication can take place in:

  • Weekly meetings

  • Shorter daily meetings

  • After sales have had an meeting with a client

Encourage the departments to update each other about the status of different clients, sales problem and other things. For example, encourage one from the marketing to ask one of the sales how the meeting with the new client went. This will make both departments solve your problems (if there is any) in an early stage, building trust and start working together. A perfect way to create a closer and more personal relationship.

The handover of the lead process

To handover the lead process without dropping the lead, is hard. To avoid that, you can work with qualifying your leads, use different processes and again, involve your sales team. For example by asking them who the ideal client is and work from there. Also remember that it is important to communicate about the goal to make sure that both departments works towards the same result.

Keep up the communication between the two departments and your work will together increase the sales for your B2B company.