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Why B2B Marketing Needs to be "Always on"

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... That is not how the story goes. You know it. We know it.

As consumers, we’re probably not even reflecting on the fact that we live in a world where everything is accessible. As marketers, however, we still have a few things left to learn. We know that our customers keep searching for information even after office hours, which is why we need to make sure we are there when they are ready. We need to be available. We need to be “Always on”.

What is "Always on" Marketing?

What does "Always on" really mean in terms of marketing? Is it a 24/7 work culture? Or real-time marketing? Is it outstandingly dedicated customer service? Is it the end of campaigns? Or is it merely a mindset?

Recent years have brought a power movement, where the buyer is the one setting the agenda and brands need to prove their worth. You no longer choose when to engage and interact as a brand. You need to do it at all times. And you need to do it well as the bar for the quality on what you’re sharing keeps getting higher. The customer decides when and where to look for information, which requires you to be in the right place when they want and are ready for it. Or else you run the risk of losing the customer to a competitor. 

So, getting back to answering the question about what "Always on" marketing really is. For us, it is an ongoing, non-campaign marketing approach that aims to create prominent brand awareness and a more constant lead flow. But most importantly, it is about contributing value and relevance. By providing the right amount of content, at the right time and place, you will make it easy for the customer to find the exact information when they choose to look for it.  And so, you will be "always on".


The Death of Campaigns?

With this in mind, it is clear why you can't afford to depend only on a campaign that will quickly generate buzz and, at its best, raise awareness and foster engagement for a few months. Neither can you depend on a campaign to be shown at the exact right moment in the buyer’s journey and, as the result and traffic will eventually fade, campaigns alone will not help you reach your long-term marketing goals.

So, does this mean the death of campaigns? Of course not. However, campaigns need to be carried out with an overall, well-planned always on strategy to get the ultimate value out of all your marketing efforts. Why? Because you will get more out of your campaign with a strategic long-term approach on how the mix of content, media, target groups can be refined and reused to drive continued success. Also, this type of round-the-clock campaign doesn’t have to be expensive. Smart use of data should help keep the costs down and make spending more efficient than ever.

To be "Always on"

Ultimately, Always on is about a company's ability to handle this new type of relationship with the customer and to do so by implementing well-structured ongoing campaigns. But also, it is about the combination of good content used in the right place, at the right time and for the right person. And to be there – to be always on – on the customer’s terms.