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IT Service Management Company Boosts Lead Generation Through Strategic Partnership with Brightvision



When the client, an IT service management company, sought to maintain a consistent pipeline of high-value prospects, they turned to Brightvision. Our tailored campaign not only met but exceeded expectations, delivering 33 actionable leads and extending the campaign duration due to its success. Dive in to discover how we aligned strategy, execution, and analytics to drive great results.

About the IT service management company

A recurring customer at Brightvision, a leading IT infrastructure solutions provider, specializing in helping companies digitize their operations. With a focus on cloud-based and hybrid solutions, the company offers a range of services, including data security for data centers. Established in Sweden in 1994, the company has grown to have a global presence with offices in 12 countries including Belgium, Czech Republic, Germany, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Latvia, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, the UK, and the US.


The Challenge & Objective

When the IT service management company approached Brightvision, their primary challenge was to maintain a consistent and steady pipeline of quality prospects. While they had periodic campaigns to reach new clients, they also wanted to re-engage with leads that had gone cold. The objective was not just to generate leads but to ensure that these leads were genuinely interested and qualified.

Brightvision Services Used


The Solution Process

To address our client's challenge of maintaining a steady influx of quality prospects, Brightvision implemented a comprehensive telemarketing campaign strategy. The solution process involved the following steps:

  • Define the Need: Understand the specific challenges and objectives of our client.
  • Target Audience Development: Identify and develop a list of potential leads that align with the client's needs. 

  • Script Development: Create a tailored script to effectively engage with the target audience during calls. 

  • Test Call: Conduct a series of test calls to refine the script and approach.

  • Generate Leads/Book Meetings: Execute the campaign with the primary objective of generating leads and booking meetings with qualified prospects.

  • Debrief Meeting: Hold a meeting approximately two months after the campaign to evaluate its ROI. This meeting assesses key performance indicators, such as the number of leads that moved to second meetings and those that converted to sales. 
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Several factors contributed to the campaign's success:

  • Right BDR Selection: The campaign benefited from having Business Development Representatives (BDRs) who were senior and had prior experience of telemarketing for similar offerings to the IT service management company. The selection of BDRs was achieved through internal screening and leveraging previous experience with the IT service management company. 

  • Transparency and Fast Communication: The mutual openness about the sales process, including the highs and lows as well as challenges faced each week, combined with immediate follow-up after booking meetings and weekly meetings, contributed to the campaign's effectiveness. 

  • Persistence: Our BDRs maintained high-quality calls and consistent outreach, contacting over 1,200 companies during the campaign, which ran from May to August with breaks for summer holidays.

  • Quality Over Quantity: In this campaign, our commission-free pricing model prioritized high-quality leads and meetings over sheer numbers, ensuring each interaction was valuable and contributed to the campaign's success." 




The campaign yielded impressive results that exceeded expectations. A total of 33 articles were generated, which included 26 booked meetings and 7 leads. The meeting-to-lead conversion rate stood at 79%. On average, it took 7.6 tele-prospecting hours to secure an article, be it a meeting or a lead.

The campaign initially started in May and was extended twice to run until the end of August, a decision influenced by the client's satisfaction with the incoming leads.


Are you facing similar challenges? At Brightvision, we specialize in full-funnel growth strategies that deliver real results. Let's discuss how we can help.

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