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Selling POWER – Moving Beyond Simple B2B Sales Operations


Do you want to know how to create a predictable pipeline? In our latest podcast episode Matt Heinz, president and founder of Heinz Marketing, teach us about effective sales and talks about his new book “the predictable pipeline” and the methodology behind it. In this blog post we summarised the highlights from the podcast episode, that you can listen to here.

Building a predictable pipeline brings you clarity and makes you effective with your selling. It also makes you keep the focus on the goal through the whole process. But to succeed, you need to focus on understanding:

  • Who are your prospects?

  • How well do you understand how they navigate through the buying process?

The better you understand your prospects and how they operate, the better your sales and marketing offers are going to be.

The most common problem when building pipelines

There are two common problems that companies often do when it comes to building pipelines:

  • Moving straight to campaign mode instead of working on their pipeline

  • Don’t do enough research about their prospects

By moving too fast towards the goal, and not spending time and effort on your pipeline, will affect the results. Therefore it's important to take time and do proper research on your prospects.

It is important with a mix of methodologies

To move beyond simple sales operations and develop your company’s pipeline, you need a mix of different kind of methodologies. Like inbound marketing, Account Based Marketing (ABM), and more. None of the methodologies will work on its own and deliver a predictable pipeline.


Would you like to get help with your B2B sales pipeline? Book a meeting and we can chat!